South Australia parents set for free stress-busting seminars

Tens of thousands of mums and dads in Adelaide and Limestone Coast are being targeted for a free parenting program to help manage the challenges of raising children.
The South Australian Government today launched a $9.3 million initiative to provide the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program for free over the next four years to parents and carers in the City of Playford, City of Port Adelaide/Enfield, City of Salisbury and the Limestone Coast.
South Australian Education and Child Development Minister Susan Close said she was keen to see local parents of children aged 0-8 years enrol in the program after its huge take-up in Queensland, where more than 20,000 mums and dads have signed up for free parenting advice.
“Parenting can be hard and this Government is committed to making sure our mums, dads, grandparents and carers know they are not alone in raising the next generation,” Ms Close said.
“We want families to know individual and group support is available and it’s okay to ask for help.”
Ms Close said tonight’s first free Triple P seminar at Largs Bay Primary School would provide local parents with practical tips on how to positively manage their children’s behaviour and balance work and family priorities.
“Triple P aims to help parents learn how to parent effectively so they can give their children the best possible opportunity to thrive at home, at school, in relationships and in life,” she said.
International parenting expert and Triple P founder Professor Matt Sanders said Triple P provides lots of useful ways to encourage the behaviour you want to see, making home life better for everyone.
“Triple P works because it’s not about telling parents how to parent – it’s about giving them a range of tips and strategies, based on the best research available, to encourage the behaviour you like and make family life less stressful,” Prof Sanders said.
“Managing screen time is one of the most common challenges parents face in raising digital natives but other issues – like work and money – cause stress for mums and dads as well.
“From bullying and tantrums, to fussy eating and phobias – we all know kids have their moments.
“This approach to parenting support can be life-changing at an individual and community level.”
Ms Close said parents in the four regions will have free access to group and individual parenting support as part of the Triple P trial. For parents outside the four nominated regions, more information about where they can access Triple P will be made available on the Triple P Website.
From today, parents across Adelaide and Limestone Coast can register to attend a seminar, group or individual Triple P session in their local area.
PHOTO: Prof Matt Sanders with Department for Education and Child Development Minister Susan Close.