Schools in Ohio’s Pickaway County (USA) are the latest location around the world to establish a teamwork approach with parents of their students by offering evidence-based, practical strategies for dealing with everyday issues, through the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.
Event organisers, Teas Valley elementary School counsellors, Niki Shaner and Rebekah Radcliff, were happy with the turn-out to the first event, and are planning to run more. Free babysitting and refreshments were offered to families who attended.
Says Triple P provider Deborah Hill, who’s been delivering Triple P Discussion Groups to parents, “the ideas strengthen their relationship and increase their confidence. Deborah was further quoted in the Circleville Herald as adding: “Triple P understands that parents sometimes need support. I love (it) because it is very family-friendly and parents have found it helpful.”
“The discussion was great and we got great feedback from parents.”
Each Triple P Discussion Group session brings together about 10-12 parents who are all having the same parenting problem. There are four topics to choose from:
- Dealing with Disobedience
- Developing Good Bedtime Routines
- Managing Fighting and Aggression
- Hassle-free Shopping with Children
“We’re hoping to offer all four sessions again in 2019 because some parents expressed dismay at having to choose,” Niki Shaner said.