Parenting: what do you like, love & worry about?

What do you love about parenting? What's keeping you up at night? And what influences your parenting style?
These are just some of the things mums, dads and carers of children up to 16 years are being asked as part of the third annual Queensland Parenting Survey.
In 2017 the top 3 concerns for parents were: whether their children would ever afford a house, get a job, and stay away from drugs.
In 2016 the top 3 concerns for parents were: knowing how to discipline their children, balancing family budgets and the cost of raising kids, and keeping their own temper and stress levels under control.
While not in the top 3 concerns for previous years, Triple P founder Professor Matt Sanders says, bullying also ranked high on parents' lists of concern.
"In 2016 almost 43 per cent of parents said their child had been bullied, and this figure rose to 60 per cent in 2017 which is very concerning," says Prof Sanders.
"Given heightened awarenss around the bullying issue in Queensland, it will be interesting to see what this figures is in 2018."
Prof Sanders says free parenting support, like Triple P, is a great way for parents to get some tips and strategies that can help with it comes to raising kids and teenagers.
"Children who grown up in a positive, nurturing environment are proven to have bettwe language and social skills, better resilience, more positive relationships and better job and health outcomes, and parents who do Triple P report feeling less stressed and depressed," he says.
You can do the survey here – it only takes 5 minutes!
7 News' Sharyn Ghidella says there's no script when it comes to raising her two kids: watch the video and read the full story.