Lack of support a huge challenge, especially for single mums

In case you missed Triple P in last weekend’s Sunday Mail, they ran a story featuring Triple P’s Professor Matt Sanders talking about the results of the recent parenting survey. (See separate news story here.)
While many mums said they felt that a lack of support made parenting more difficult, single mums definitely were feeling the struggle more than most.
The good news, Triple P can help!
Meet Serena, a single mum from Ipswich, with an eight-year-old daughter at home, and an older daughter who’s no longer at home.
She’s overcome some pretty serious health challenges and setbacks in life, but even so, says solo parenting is one of her toughest challenges.
“I have been a single mum for a long time, and although I get some support from my daughter’s father, I’ve not really had anyone to share my parenting worries and responsibilities with, or to lean on if I’m feeling down,” Serena says.
“It would be nice to have someone offer to help when I’m feeling overwhelmed, or to have someone say I’m doing a good job, because there are days when I really struggle.”
A few months ago Serena heard through her daughter’s primary school about the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, which is a free program in Queensland and focuses on building parents’ confidence, competence and resilience.
She’s now attended three seminars run by The University of Queensland’s Every Family project team, and is about to sign up for an eight-week Triple P program to keep the momentum going.
“I was nervous about doing a parenting program, because I wasn’t sure what sort of people would be there and if I would fit in, but the presenter was so kind and inclusive, and really encouraged us to ask questions and share our stories,” Serena said.
“I came away with a better understanding of what other families go through, and that I need to stop putting so much pressure on myself because I’m doing the best I can.
“I can’t wait to see how I feel after doing this next program, because the more positive I’m feeling about myself, the better parent I feel I can be for my daughters.”