Hot off the press!

The first edition of Queensland’s new parenting magazine, the Triple P Tippaper has hit the stands (and the inboxes).
With a theme of Positive parenting for every family, the eight-page Tippaper has:
- Stories with real Queensland parents who share their positive parenting experiences
- Interviews with Triple P providers who see the positive effects of Triple P every day
- Everything you need to know about accessing free Triple P
- Recipes, general feature stories for families, and other fun stuff.
Tippaper editor Justine Stewart says she found creating this new magazine especially rewarding.
“It was great talking to real families and providers working with Triple P and finding out why and how it works in different situations,” she says.
“I really hope parents see the Tippaper and no longer feel like they’re the only ones having tricky ‘parenting moments’.
“It’s encouraging knowing that there are solutions that can work for them too – there are programs and support within different kinds of Triple P to suit everyone.”
Look for a free copy of the Tippaper in libraries, Goodstart Early Learning centres and other family-friendly places.
Or check out the free digital version of the Tippaper on Triple P’s dedicated Queensland parent website.
PHOTO: Triple P ambassador Corey Parker enjoying his copy of the Queensland Tippaper.