Football star teams up with Triple P

Rugby league household name Corey Parker, had another big announcement to make this week: his role as Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ambassador.
Parker is not only a highly-respected, accolade-earning, score-record-setting leader, he’s also a dad of four, with he and his wife Margaux welcoming their latest addition just four weeks ago.
As both a role-model and everyday bloke, Parker is an ideal choice to help demonstrate to Queensland parents the realities of parenting challenges and how Triple P can help.
He’ll be making regular reports on his progress through the Triple P Online program, which is available free across Queensland, as well as spreading hte word about the Triple P programs which are part of the Queensland-government funded Triple P state-wide rollout.
See the TV news report here:
PHOTO: Corey and Margaux Parker with Professor Matt Sanders.