Everyone Belongs: Celebrating Diversity of Families this Harmony Week

This Harmony Week (18-24 March), experts at the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program are encouraging the community to recognise the diversity of families in Australia, where their uniqueness and strength will be celebrated as part of this year’s theme, ’Everyone Belongs.’
Triple P International Country Director, Carol Markie-Dadds, said Harmony Week offers a great opportunity to come together and acknowledge how different perspectives, traditions, languages and cultures play an important role in creating positive and nurturing environments for current and future generations.
“According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, one in three children have at least one parent who was born overseas and more than 400,000 children under 14 years old were born overseas,” Ms Markie-Dadds said.
“The cultural and linguistic diversity of families brings a wonderful range of parenting experiences and perspectives to family life.”
“However, it can also mean navigating unique parenting challenges as a result of different social, cultural and academic expectations, language barriers and isolation from extended families,” she said.
Mother of two children, Bonnie Rui Liu, knows first-hand the challenges of raising children in a cross-cultural family in Australia, and the benefits of coming together to build parenting confidence.
“I was born and raised in China, receiving a Chinese-style upbringing. My husband is Australian and grew up with an Australian-style family education. Our family is a blend of Eastern and Western cultures. Despite our different cultural backgrounds, as parents, we were both experiencing parenthood for the first time and facing common parenting challenges.
“After becoming a parent, I reflected on my own parenting methods. The biggest challenge I faced as a Chinese parent was the authoritarian parenting style. However, my husband and I did Triple P together, so I think the process of learning the Triple P program and applying the principles was beneficial. It helped us to get on a similar page together, and adjust the strategies to suit our family.”
Thanks to Australian Government funding, every parent and carer now has access to free, easy-to-use Triple P online programs to build strong relationships with children and support them to become happy, healthy, and confident.
“Triple P’s evidence-based programs come in a range of languages and materials, including Triple P Online in Spanish, French, Arabic, German, Japanese, Dutch as well as English,” Ms Markie-Dadds said.
“Celebrations like Harmony Week give us the opportunity to come together and support the richness of our own family and community. For more information on the many family-friendly Harmony Week events and activities, visit harmony.gov.au”