Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

What is Positive Parenting?

Positive parenting is simply an approach to parenting that gives parents and carers tools and strategies to raise their child in an environment that is safe, loving and predictable. Triple P’s positive parenting program allows each person doing the program to decide what is important to them. So it’s not telling you how to raise children, but giving you the confidence and skills to build good relationships, set boundaries and rules calmly and in ways that kids understand, and follow up with consequences that are not harmful.

To sum it up, Triple P helps you:

  • Raise happy, confident, capable kids
  • Build and maintain a close, loving relationship with your child
  • Understand more about child development to make parenting more enjoyable and easier
  • Encourage positive behaviour
  • Prevent and manage misbehaviour effectively, in a way that supports children’s emotional wellbeing
  • Have rules and routines everyone respects and follows
  • Feel less stressed and calmer
  • Feel more able to handle various parenting situations, knowing you’re doing the best for your kids.

Where does Triple P come from?

The research home base of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is in Australia, at the University of Queensland’s Parenting and Family Support Centre. Foundation Director Professor Matt Sanders is regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on parenting. Today, there are hundreds of researchers in universities and institutions around the globe contributing findings that inform the development of new Triple P programs. Their work means Triple P has the largest evidence base of any parenting program in the world

Is Triple P effective?

Triple P is one of the few parenting programs in the world with evidence to show it works. There are literally hundreds of trials and studies to show Triple P works for most families, in many different cultures, and in many different family situations. Triple P Online is also the first online parenting program proven to work. In some regions, people purchase the program (where funding doesn’t cover free access). In those regions we offer a money-back guarantee.

Questions about us

Why is Triple P Online Free in Australia?

Many organisations including charities, health centres, schools and governments around the world offer free access to Triple P. That’s because Triple P is one of the world’s most researched parenting programs – and it’s been developed right here in Australia!

Delivery of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program to parents and carers of children in Australia is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care under the Parenting Education and Support Program. When parents and caregivers have the support and resources they need, children have positive, happy childhoods that help them do well in later life.

Investing in the future health and happiness of our children and teenagers benefits the whole community. So doing Triple P Online and Fear-Less Triple P Online is totally free. And no, there’s no catch.

How do you know how many Australian families have been reached by Triple P programs?

Triple P programs have used in Australia for more than 35 years. Over that period, thousands of Triple P practitioners have been trained, and continue to be trained, to deliver group and individual programs to Australian families, and online programs have now reached thousands more. The estimated figure of one million plus Australian families having been helped by Triple P is based on internal data relating to the dissemination of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program in Australia to June 2022.

Is my data safe?

Triple P International takes your privacy and data protection very seriously. We have rigorous IT security systems and procedures. We don’t share your information with any third-party marketing organisations or unauthorised personnel. Your email address and region are visible to our administration team. Your progress may be visible to a system administrator in case you need to change your email address. All other family information within the program is anonymised. If you’d like more information, please review our privacy policy.

Questions about Triple P courses

What are Triple P Online programs?

To suit busy lifestyles, Triple P is also making programs available as interactive, online courses with videos, worksheets, tips and activities. Do your program anytime, anywhere, from any device, and track your progress, too.

Triple P Online for Baby is for parents-to-be and new parents, to help them adjust to the emotions and changes of parenthood while creating a positive environment. There are seven modules.

Triple P Online covers all of Triple P’s positive parenting strategies for parents and carers of children under 12. There are eight modules.

Teen Triple P Online includes a full toolkit to help parents and caregivers to positively influence their of pre-teen or teen’s (10-16 years) development and life skills. There are six modules.

Fear-Less Triple P Online helps parents and carers support anxious or worried children (6+) and teach children more about their emotions. There are six modules.

Stepping Stones Triple P Online provides positive strategies for families of children with disability under 12, to help make everyday life easier. There are 10 modules.

Separating or divorcing? Family Transitions Triple P Online can support parents to create a stable, reassuring environment for children, reduce adverse effects and adjust well. There are five modules.

How long will it take me to do an online course?

Each module only takes about 30 minutes to an hour. You don’t need to do it all in one block, either. Some parents prefer to just do ten or fifteen minutes a day. There are 8 modules in Triple P Online. There’s also an extra Parenting During Uncertain Times module in each, to help with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. So if you start today and do one or two modules each week, you could be finished in about a month! Of course, it’s totally up to you. If you want to take it more slowly, take a break, or go back and revisit a previous module, that’s all fine too.

Should both parents do the course?

It’s great if they can, but not essential. Triple P is used very successfully by single parents. When both parents, or a parent and another carer, both do the course it helps them work as a team to make changes. This includes grandparents, foster parents, and other family members, and even ex-partners, if they also care for your children. It makes it easier to communicate better about parenting, argue and disagree less, and support each other more. If you want both parents to have their own workbook and certificate, you should request two access codes.


Of course! The principles of Triple P apply to anyone who cares for children. Grandparents and other caregivers often attend Triple P programs. It also really helps family harmony when both parents and grandparents do Triple P and are all using the same parenting playbook.

Should I do Triple P Online if my child has a disability or developmental delay?

You can gain many useful positive parenting ideas from Triple P Online, however you may prefer to do a Stepping Stones Triple P program, which has been especially developed for parents and carers of children who have a disability or developmental delay (including ASD). This is not yet available as an online program, however in Queensland there are trained Stepping Stones Triple P providers who may offer programs in your area. Read more about Stepping Stepping Stones Triple P.

What language can I do the online programs in?

Triple P Online is currently available in English, Dutch/Flemish, French, German, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese. Teen Triple P Online is currently available in English, Dutch, Spanish and German.

Why do a parenting program?

Shouldn’t parenting just come naturally?

You’d never get behind the wheel of a car without a few lessons. But most of us raise our kids without knowing what works best, choosing bits and pieces we have learnt from our parents and friends, or picked up on Google. But Professor Matt Sanders, the clinical psychologist whose research forms the basis of Triple P, believes parenting is the most important job in the world. After decades working with families around the world, he says parents and carers everywhere have similar goals: they want healthy, happy children, they want a little less stress, and they are relieved when they are given a few tips to make those goals happen more quickly and easily.

I don't want to do a course. Will you give me some tips anyway?

It is really important to us, as a parenting program based on scientific research, to give parents and carers the kind of information that will make a real difference to them and their families. Our research shows that people get the best results out of Triple P when they do a guided program that is either delivered by a provider, or is done methodically, through an online program. So, we don’t like to give quick tips, because that kind of advice is unlikely to work in the long term. What we can offer you is a ‘taste’ of Triple P with our hot parenting topics. When you read about Triple P and understand the thinking behind it, we hope you agree it’s worth taking the time to get it right. After all, it’s to help give each child the very best start in life, and it helps you, too!

I’ve got a question that’s not covered here

One of the things that makes Triple P unique is that it’s not about telling you what to do in every situation. It’s about helping you feel confident that you can work out what to do. This will be based on what you learn about child or teen development and the strategies you’ve picked up, and your ability to review and refine. So if your questions about parenting, we suggest you go ahead and do the free program! If it’s about something else to do with Triple P, you may want to try contacting us using this website’s contact details, via our social media channels, or through your local Triple P support service.

Find which FREE course suits you best

Every family’s different, so we make it easy to choose the parenting support that fits your situation.

  • 1/8

    Triple P Online for Baby

    Create a positive foundation, right from the start

    Online <0 to 1 year Free 7 x 30 mins
    • Nurture your baby’s development
    • Understand their cues and strengthen your bond
    • Look after your emotional wellbeing
  • 2/8

    Triple P Online

    Confidently handle everyday parenting challenges

    Online Under 12 years Free 8 x 30 mins
    • Improve behaviour and grow closer
    • Positively influence your child’s development
    • Create a happier, calmer family life
  • 3/8

    Fear-Less Triple P Online

    Build resilience in children and help them manage anxiety

    Online 6+ years Free 6 x 30 mins
    • Get a better understanding of anxiety
    • Learn what to do when your child is anxious
    • Boost resilience and coping skills
  • 4/8

    Stepping Stones Triple P Online

    Help children with disability with key life skills

    Online Under 12 years Free 10 x 30 mins
    • Build their social, emotional, and practical skills
    • Create strong daily routines
    • Adapt to and enjoy family life more
  • 5/8

    Family Transitions Triple P Online

    Support your child through separation or divorce

    Online Under 12 years Free 5 x 30 mins
    • Create stability and reassurance for children
    • Learn proven co-parenting strategies
    • Handle challenges calmly and confidently
  • 6/8

    Teen Triple P Online

    Raise happy, responsible and resourceful teens

    Online 10 to 16 years Free 6 x 30 mins
    • Positively influence your teen’s life skills
    • Confidently address behaviours
    • Build connections and enjoy family life more
  • 7/8


    Check the calendar – find a parenting support session near you

    With others 0 to 16 years Some free
    • Learn more about positive parenting
    • Explore topical issues
    • Boost your parenting confidence
  • 8/8


    Search the provider map – find personal parenting support near you

    One-on-one 0 to 16 years Some free
    • Find help near you
    • Access a personal Triple P provider
    • Build your parenting confidence