Positive parenting
for families

of children
with disability

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How can I make everyday life easier for our family?

Raising a child with disability has many rewards and benefits, yet it is not always easy. Be it mealtimes, family outings or socialising, there can be challenging moments. As their parent or carer, you want them to get the most out of everyday life and for the whole family to adapt and thrive. Through strategies like realistic expectations, quality time and planning ahead, you can help your child with things like:

  • Getting ready to go in the morning, be it to childcare, school or an appointment
  • Being as independent as possible and their self-care, such as brushing their teeth
  • Family outings, travelling in the car, or going shopping
  • Nighttime routines at the end of the day.
  • Positive parenting strategies can make a real difference, through giving your child the key life skills they need to reach their full potential. You can feel more confident in your role, too.

    How can I help my child socialise and get along with others?

    Community activities like going to school or the park may be tough for you and your child if you feel isolated or excluded. You and your family have a right to be part of your community and it’s important for everyone’s wellbeing that you enjoy a range of experiences with other people. To get the most out of activities outside of the home and feel included, your child may need extra support from you to build their social skills and confidence. Preparing ahead, positive encouragement and teaching them how to get along with others can help them – and you – live a more balanced and happy life.

    How can I encourage behaviour I like?

    The key to supporting your child’s behaviour and development is in understanding why they behave or respond the way they do. This then helps you know how to manage situations that may cause certain reactions, and how to guide their behaviour in a positive direction. Through this, you’ll end up seeing more of the behaviour you like, and less of the behaviour you don’t like. It can also lead to stronger bonds and less stress for everyone, for happier kids and homes.

    How can I make life less stressful for all of us?

    Taking care of yourself as your child’s parent or carer is important to reducing stress. Your needs matter, too. You might like to consider who is in your support network, be it friends, family, other parents or service providers. Reaching out to them can help, for just someone to talk to or another set of hands at home. Think about other self-care goals you could have. No matter how small, they can add up, like taking five minutes to yourself for a morning walk or hot drink.

    There are also ways to help the whole family adapt, including other parents, siblings and extended family members. Working together to interact positively and build strong relationships can help everyone start enjoying life more and reduce tension at home, so you can appreciate each other’s company.

    Want to know more? get positive parenting strategies for children with disability

    Stepping Stones Triple P Online is a program for parents and carers of children with developmental disability, neurodiversity, or additional needs aged 12 and under. It includes practical, positive strategies to support you to build a strong, loving relationship with your child and guide their development, emotions and behaviour. Proven strategies can help you respond to your child’s individual needs and are adaptable to your unique family situation. It is available online any time – and it’s free!