Fear-Less Triple P

Small group sessions with other parents, covering a wide range of anxiety-management skills and strategies, so you can support your child or teenager to overcome fears and build confidence and resilience.
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Read more about this course on the Course Description page.
Mon, 26/05/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Narrogin Senior High School Library
45 Gray Street, Narrogin WA, Australia
Yvette Le Tessier Department of Education WA
08 98819300
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Tip sheet provided.
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Register now for this session!

Please fill in a separate form for each person registering

To help us get a broad overview of WA families doing Triple P, we’re hoping you can indicate how many children you have in each age group. (So, for example, if you have two children, a 3-year-old and a 4 year old, please put a “2” in the 2-4 yrs box)