Immediate support for families: free online program helps parents of kids with disability

Families of children with disability facing long wait times for diagnosis and support can now access Stepping Stones Triple P Online - a free, evidence-based parenting program funded by the Australian Government. Stepping Stones Triple P Online offers immediate, practical strategies to help children thrive and boost parental wellbeing.
Triple P International Country Director, Carol Markie-Dadds, said that approximately 1 in 13 children in Australia (an estimated 356,000 children aged 0 to 14) live with disability. The ongoing strain on the disability workforce, difficulties in accessing support, long wait times, and cost-of-living pressures, mean that children are missing out on critical early intervention support. Parents and carers are left feeling overwhelmed and isolated.
“Early intervention in the form of parenting programs gives immediate support to families with disability by equipping parents and carers with the valuable tools and strategies needed to understand and respond to their child's needs and their own,” Ms Markie-Dadds said.
“Stepping Stones Triple P has been the subject of a large research trial across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. The course was found to provide significant benefits to families with disability, including improved family relationships, reduced parental stress, increased parenting confidence, and improvements in children’s emotional and behavioural wellbeing.”
Additionally, the program produces benefits for families with neurodiverse children, who have different thinking patterns to neurotypical children. This includes children diagnosed with autism and ADHD.”
“Childhood is a crucial stage of development for all young people, particularly so for children with disability and unique support needs. Delays to accessing support early in a child’s life have a direct impact on the level of care and support a person with disability will require into adulthood,” she said.
“The mental health and wellbeing of carers is also at-risk - around twice as many parents of children with disability report moderate to high stress levels compared to parents without a child with disability.”
“When parents and carers feel confident and empowered to support their child with managing daily routines, building connections, and being independent, the entire family benefits,” Ms Markie-Dadds said.
The online flexibility of Stepping Stones Triple P reduces having to attend in-person appointments, which can be impractical for parents and carers of children with disability due to caring responsibilities or those living in regional or remote areas.
Brisbane mother-of-two, Rachel, did the program when her son was 3 years old, after being diagnosed with autism.
“I did the course when Jason was young, and I still use the things I learned daily. It gives you confidence that stays with you for life. You always have this toolbox in the back of your mind to help you navigate parenting. Making the online program free for every family will mean so much to so many,” Rachel said.
“There's a lot of stigma around doing a parenting course, but you do the course if you want to be given all the best information about child development in the most efficient way. There are many reasons to do the program and no reasons to not do it,” she said.
Stepping Stone Triple P Online is based on 25 years of ongoing research with parents and practitioners. The program helps parents and carers to:
- use positive, practical strategies to manage everyday life with more ease and confidence, like daily routines, socialising, mealtimes, communication, and family outings/car trips
- encourage their child’s independence and self-care skills, like teeth brushing and getting dressed
- confidently respond to their child’s needs, behaviours and support their overall development and wellbeing
- learn strategies to look after themselves as a parent and feel less stressed in their parenting role
- communicate better with each other, including when their child has an alternate communication style
- build their child’s social skills to support them to grow relationships at home and in the community
- help the whole family adapt and enjoy life more!
“Every child has their own individual qualities and abilities. Triple P encourages parents and carers to value their child’s strengths and abilities, encouraging confidence and the development of new skills,” Ms Markie-Dadds said.
Carol added, “Parents and carers know their child best, so they can choose the tools that fit with their family’s values and needs. Even a small change can make a big difference.”
Parents and carers who do Stepping Stones Triple P Online will join the more than 100,000 parents who have done the face-to-face program and the 480,000 parents and carers across Australia, and millions globally, who have benefited from Triple P’s broader suite of programs.
Parents and carers can sign up for Stepping Stones Triple P Online now.