5 positive parenting tips to help kids cope with Cyclone Alfred

Triple P parenting expert Professor Vanessa Cobham encourages families to add emotional resilience to their parenting toolbox to support children with anxiety or worries they may be experiencing during and after the disaster.
“As a result of the significant disruption to families’ lives, the fallout from natural disasters can take a huge toll on children and parents’ mental health, with research showing that approximately five to 15 percent of children in Australia experience significant mental health symptoms following disaster exposure.”
“Parents, carers, and children alike can experience a range of emotions during and after natural disasters, including grief, anger, fear, sadness, and anxiety – this is normal.”
“Thankfully, there is now a greater understanding of the impacts that natural disasters have on children and young people and a lot of work being done to help disaster-affected communities move towards a journey of positive recovery.”
“Parents and carers can draw on their recovery experience and use the skills they already have in their parenting toolbox to help build their children’s emotional resilience when disaster occurs,” said Professor Cobham.
5 positive parenting tips to help kids cope with Cyclone Alfred
- Have open and honest conversations. Talking about the possibilities of what might happen and how to prepare is a good way to help kids keep calm and encourage realistic thinking rather than “imagining the worst”. This may include involving kids in some simple tasks as part of the planning and preparation.
- Model being calm. Kids will follow our energy, so show them ways to deal with strong emotions to encourage a sense of being calm and prepared, like deep breathing or whatever works for you. Let them know that it’s normal to feel stressed and that you’re in this together.
- Pause and listen. When your kids come to you, listen to their concerns. Encourage them to acknowledge their feelings and let them pass. This can help build their emotional resilience.
- Tap into your network. Make a list of family members, friends, and emergency helplines you and your children can call if they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, such as Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) or Lifeline (13 11 14).
- Consider your parenting toolbox. Look at the strategies already in your parenting toolbox to help guide you through this period, including a list of programs or organisations where you can access parenting support, how and when you need it.
Fear-Less Triple P Online is free and full of coping strategies so you can help anxious kids cope.
Dr Vanessa Cobham is a co-author of Fear-Less Triple P Online and a Professor at The University of Queensland’s School of Psychology.